Sunday, June 16, 2013

Jet Lag - A Shroud of Darkness

There isn't much more of a time change that we could have encountered and not have it been to our advantage. Eleven hours. Day is night, and night is day. The jet lag creeps up, ensconced in an excitement of arriving at an exotic location. Bright lights, steamy night.  Despite having slept for nine hours on the flight over from Seattle, I fell asleep quickly the first night. But the respite was short lived, giving way to a cycle of not knowing when I was awake or asleep.

Jet lag wracks not only the body's rhythm, but takes a psychological toll creating swings in energy and fatigue. It's a monster that lurks both in the darkest night and the brightest day. It's as if my Super Ego has fully sprung into my consciousness, sweeping nonstop insecurity and doubt  across my thoughts as I float in and out of sleep during the night, and stumble through the day by an inertia at odds with my foggy state of mind.

I'm grumpy, I know I'm grumpy; I choose to be self-reflective at the worst possible time. At the time when I need to focus on the moment, and enjoy my surroundings and my family, I find myself internalized, allowing negative imagery and thoughts to flash into my mind and take over my focus.  Sacrificed, of course, is being fully engaged with my family.

Now in my third full day in Dubai, I slept a full seven hours last night, and awoke refreshed, positive, and looking forward to embracing this experience fully.

Edited later that day: I was wrong. Jetlag still kicking my ass.


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